The following are a few commonly asked questions with general answers. If you have a question you think should be added to this FAQ page please contact us and let us know!

What is the Episcopal Church? 

The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ, in 109 dioceses and three regional areas in 16 nations. The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

The mission of the Church, as stated in The Book of Common Prayer’s catechism (page 855), is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.

*extracted from the Episcopal Church Website*

What does it mean to be an Episcopalian?

As Episcopalians, we are followers of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and we believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We strive to love our neighbors as ourselves and respect the dignity of every person.

Our liturgy retains ancient structure and traditions and is celebrated in many languages.

Both men and women, including those who are married, are eligible for ordination as deacons, priests and bishops.

All are welcome to find a spiritual home in the Episcopal Church.

*extracted from The Episcopal Church Website*

How is "Young Adult" defined for the purposes of Ministry in the Diocese?

The answer to this is kind of amorphous. Originally it was set to be 18-30 years of age. Now, the current amended churchwide concensus seems to be about 18-35. 

For the purposes of our community and the people it is open to it is more like 18-30's (wherever you fall in that "something" range). Due to many factors the state of someone's life trajectory and how they related to that "young adult" status is a very unique thing to that individual. 

There may be 18 year olds who don't feel connected at all or in need of a Young Adult cohort for their faith community experience, and there may be a 39 year old (due to life situation and circumstances) who may be very hungry for a young community of faith to share in worship and discussion and journeying. 

We leave the ultimate judgement as to whether this age group and programming is relevant to you and if it fits your spiritual needs up to you, as the community member. Whatever your age within this wide demographic, we welcome you and hope to support and feed and be fed with you and by you in our community of faith.

What kind of programs are currently available for Young Adults in the Diocese of Southeast Florida?

Currently, we are still in the process of determining what programs exist for Young Adults within the Diocese. Some of those programs are highlighted on our "YA Programs" page of this site but that list is by no means comprehensive. Over the course of the next year our hopes are to both grow the number of programs serving the Young Adult community but also be more aware of all that is available within the Diocese, currently, for Young Adults. 

If you have a program and you want to be on the list of offerings please get in touch with us so we can add your work and community to this larger discussion of faith and resource for the young adult faithful!

**You can email Teresa at teresa(at)stpaulsdelray(dot)org regarding your program.**

What kind of programs are available nationally for Young Adults through the Episcopal Church?

There are many opportunities nationally for Young Adult Episcopalians to get involved and find community. The following are just a few of those opportunities:

  • THE SEVEN is a program created by the diaconate (deacons of the Diocese) as a program for vocational discernment for young adults. If you are confused about your place and role in the church they offer a program of mentorship and community which can help you figure out your personal calling--whether the result is a call to the diaconate or elsewhere.
  • The Episcopal Young Adult Corps which is an organization in the model of AmeriCorps where young adult Episcopalian can join for a year and work in an area of need (both population-wise and region-wise), learning to bring justice to a personal level and, additionally, as a wonderful way to explore vocation and calling through action. 
  • The Episcopal Peace Fellowship (EPF) has an arm of it's program specifically for Young Adults which includes national community activities such as: pilgrimages for service over spring break, retreats, and more. This group helps to organize around different areas of need and special interest groups within the realm of social justice, needy populations, and peace.
Do you know about another program specifically for Young Adults in the Episcopal Church or the local area? Let us know!

What does the Young Adult Ministry community do? What is your purpose?

Our primary purpose is to communicate, collaborate, and network within Young Adults, Young Adult Ministries and Programs within the Diocese of Southeast Florida. 

We are made up, primarily, of Young Adult community members in the church and we hope to support other Young Adults seeking faith experience that is relevant and nourishing for them.

That role can consist of outreach to Young Adults within the Episcopal church and in general persons in our age-range who might be faith-seeking, as well as helping to build and support local communities and programs for and BY Young Adults in the Southeast Florida Diocese. 

Our role will continue to change as your needs for and work with us change and grow. We look forward to the metamorphosis of this community, which is still very much in its infancy.

Who do I contact if I have a question about your Diocese Young Adult Ministry or if I want to get more involved as a Young Adult? 

Currently, you can contact either of the co-chairs of the community, Teresa B Pasquale or Daniel Ledo, with questions or if you wish to get more involved with the Young Adult community and Ministry in Southeast Florida. Their emails are : teresa (at) stpaulsdelray (dot) org AND daniel (at) ssesfl (dot) org.

Do I have to be an Episcopalian to attend your Diocese programs or church activities? 

Definitely not. Our programs and the Episcopal church community at large is open to all visitors and those who seek and wander in faith. Especially, in our years as young adults we are searching for our places of belonging and comfort. 

We would love to be a part of that journey and support you in your own personal process of seeking in any way possible. 

All of our activities are open to all persons regardless of your history of faith, and we look forward to dialogue with the many diverse backgrounds of those who will join us for our events and activities. 

The Kingdom of God is vast and diverse; we hope our community continues to represent the mosaic of that diversity and welcomes all who seek to be fed in their hearts by faith.

What does the future of Young Adult Community, Programming, and Ministry in the Diocese of Southeast Florida look like? 

It looks like you. You, the members and seekers in faith and in the Episcopal church are the face of the Church's future. We hope to engage in the myriad of ways people explore their faith in our young adult communities around Southeast Florida. 

Some programs exist currently which are finding their place and face and mission statement but the overall goal is to create more places that are open to feeding and dialoging and worshipping with and as young adult faith seekers. 

You are the future of this church and we only hope we can support your dreams and hopes for the church of today and the church of tomorrow along this pilgrimage of divinity and grace we share together. 

How can I be a part of shaping the future with the Young Adult Community? 

Get in touch. Email us with your thoughts, ideas, feedback, and whatever you would like to share with us about your area, community, current programs and where you see need for certain programs to exist that do not yet exist. 

The only way we can learn how to best serve you is to hear what your needs are and then just provide whatever guidance, support, and assistance in making that community come into being in whatever way you need us to. 

We are open to whatever your imagination might bring to the table! We want a church that you, the seeker, the journeyer, the pilgrim on your own faith path, want to be a part of and to know what that is, we need your help.

Email us anytime! And many blessings to you on your continued journey.


 Daniel, Teresa and The Diocese of Southeast Florida Young Adult Ministry program